Matthew 6:28
"See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all this splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you-you of little faith."

Sometimes, I just need to touch something created to remind myself that I am worthy.

We are so close to ourselves that we forget ourselves sometimes.

I strive to walk with the living God that I call Holy. I am not to be swayed by the wind, or wither in time. I can flourish in a dark place for the light within me can not be blown out by man. I am not wilted when the rains do not come or when feet trample me down. I spring up and declare the goodness of God, the creator of all things and am wrapped up in the love of it all. Creation is sacred and created in their image, we all create.

We create beauty, kindness, love and acceptance, if we are healthy.

We create distruction, pain, self loathing, disfunction and darkness when we are broken.

If I plant myself in the holiest of gardens, where Gods love roots me and his light and energy renews my strength, I can grow and be honest with myself.

I have lived in darkness. I left the perfect garden and traded it for an empty wilderness where nothing grew. I was void and life was painful.

No. Not only painful.

Life meant nothing to me.

I questioned, "What am I her for?" "What is the point of any of this?"

We live, we suffer and then we die with regret. Those were the seeds I was sowing for my future.

Lies are the enemy and they steal away beauty, to torment us. Forever. ..

but Only if we believe them. 

Disfunction pulled me away from the light, away from the holy garden where I had everything I ever needed. Just like Eve, I believed the lie of forbidden fruit.

I gave in to it and it began to eat away at me, instead of the other way around.

The lie of fruit is the lie that we can figure it out on our own. That our own understanding is enough.

Disfunction creates more disfunction.

We must find out what causes it, face it with courage and cast it out. This takes time. This is healing.

We must guard ourselves friends. Prepare our hearts for healing and honesty. Fix the dents that keep us from believing we are so much more. We can heal, grow, recover...we can live again.

It is hard to stay in a place of health. There it is...temptaion...  to pull us back into darkness and the carrots are whatever issue we battle.  Lust. Drugs. Alcohol. Comfort. Acceptance. Pleasing People. Selishness. Hate. 

Zen. Meditation. Quiet...a place you find where you and the creator can reconnect.

God is there, waiting to clothe us. His cloak is warm, welcoming, loving and kind.

It has taken me my whole life to be able to believe in his goodness. I am still being reminded daily, just how much he loves me and I promise to never stop striving to understand the reckless love that God has for me.


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