A garden is for thinking...
A dandelion seed isn't a seed
until it's color has withered away,
dried up by
that golden ball
hanging in a deep blue sea of sky...
a process of death to create new life
We came from dust of dirt and rib
and i wonder how
he formed us. How the moment looked
when God breathed into nostrils
and man became a living soul...
The same light that still shines
through the trees and flirts
with pixels and kisses
freckles upon my daughters
lightly painted skin
We go through it all,
the motions of being born of dirt and rib
and the forbidden that they touched
and we were touched by their sin, a curse, so we sin and we feel our wrongs.
Sometimes I forget,
He died for those wrongs
We are pure as light, white as snow
Lately, I bury my nose in the bible
and I read from proverbs of women
who work with their hands and find delight
I look up to him and I pray ...
Begging for the delight to come,
begging to know Him more,
to feel him on my heart
and always hear when
He speaks.
yes, we feel the pull... our hearts are prone to wander, but blessedly, we're slaves to grace, yes?!!?
Have a wonderful day filled with beauty. xx
ooh, love that. great post.
Stuck on a petal,
waiting to be buried
in the dust of dirt."
And then it flowers and bears fruit again. "Unless a seed falls..."
You explained this process so well.
glorious. truly.
I hope that you never put down your bible. Keep reading until you can "see your own salvation" in the words that you are reading. That was preached at our meeting last sunday, and it really struck a corde for me because after about 7yrs of reading the bible and trying to live a life that is pleasing unto the Lord. I can finally see myself and my salvation as clear as day when I read God's holy words.I can see clearly now that no matter what I see or hear or encounter in this world, I just know that God's word is true and his sacrifice was great. He chose me and I am humbled.So when I read from the bible I know that the words on any given page are meant to encourrage, guide and comfort me.
I am praying for you
But when Emily asked what I though of death and dying re raising children, well I was struck by how I "deal" or hold sacred when the process is whole.
Thank you for getting me.